I’m weird, I don’t like reading about people fighting each other to the death, or people who can turn other people into animals or anything weird like that. I guess I’m not a normal teenager because of this. 

This generations favorite genre is probably somewhere between sci-fi and mystery or something. And, I can’t stand either of those things. The only book series that I have read and enjoyed that has to do with one of these genres was the Divergent series. But, that may just be because I know who is playing that characters in the movies and I love them all so dearly. c

My Favorite genre is contemporary. Almost all of the reviews that I have done are about contemporary books. They are just more realistic to me and I don’t find them boring at all. This genre makes them so much more believable which makes me honestly, so much more emotional. I have cried because of a decent number of books before. Like, The Fault In Our Stars

Looking For Alaska

Perks Of Being A Wallflower

The infinite Moment Of Us

Thirteen Reasons Why

Before I Fall

And those are just the most popular that I figure most of you reading this would know. But if you throw in some weird sci-fi I honestly, just find it boring.  It is hard for me to connect to something that seems so distant from what is really there. I have never read Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. I have read The Hunger Games because I felt that it was just a given and everyone should read that series and I read them when I was in like sixth grade.

I am not trying to contradict anybody's opinion or trying to set anybody on a new path of believing but I  just can’t believe that the top genre for 2013 was sci-fi. Even my sister makes fun of me because she says that the book I read are ‘Boring’ and ‘all the same’. And It is true sometimes. A lot of these books are the same, A lot of them begin, and end exactly the same with just a little bit of diversity in between but that is probably what keeps me hanging on.

The book that I am reading right now is confusing me the most because I cant tell if its sci-fi Or if its contemporary. The cover screams sci-fi and so does the blurb on the inside but, the content is different. I got recommended this book by a you tuber that probably doesn’t even know that I exist but I trusted her opinion and bout it. The book Is Premeditated by Josin L. Mcquien.

All I am trying to say in this post is, just because one genre is most popular, doesn’t mean everyone should have to love it. Be diverse and love what you read. The reason that I didn’t read until just last year, was because I didn’t think that there was anything good out there to read. I thought everything was the same and about slaying dragons and living in an alternate universe but, it’s not. If you love sci-fi then by all means, read it. If you love romance novels, then read 89 of them. Just, don’t let people tell you what you can and cannot read because that is one of the things that I love about reading so much. You can become the person that you always wished you could be just by opening up a book and looking at some words  on a page. It’s truly a beautiful thing and I wish everyone would hear that. 

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    I'm Ashlynn.  I like reading, writing, and macaroni and cheese. (more information in the "About" Link on the left.)


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