I Don't think that I was very straight froward as to  explaining what I am doing for this blog.  Well here's the plan. I will blog mainly about books and book reviews. I have a tendency to spoil almost every event in  a story.  I will most likely title each section for "Spoilers" and a section for "non-spoilers" . It is pretty straight froward as to what that means, but just in case you can't put two and two together as well as the rest of us, I will explain. 

I will be reviewing a few books a week and maybe more if my mood changes but for the most part, probably 4 books a week. the title that will be marked "Spoilers" I will Talk about a book and you (The reader) will h have the intention that I will most likely spoil the end, talk about major events in a story, and talk about things that I didn't like in a story.

The "Non-spoilers" title I will be reviewing books that I have read but I will be reviewing it for the people that have not read the book themselves.  This section will be if you are thinking about reading a book you can hear my honest opinion about it, without knowing the turn-up of the plot or how many of the main characters die. 

I will probably start reviewing book with in the next week because I have to decide which ones I even want to review. I will mention my favorite books so you guys can get an understanding for what I like to read, basically I range from fiction to Sci-fi. That's really all I read but every book is a little different. Thanks for reading:)

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    I'm Ashlynn.  I like reading, writing, and macaroni and cheese. (more information in the "About" Link on the left.)


    January 2014
    December 2013